Adult Development
Interested in learning more about adult/vertical development? Interested in your own development? Wondering how to expand your sense of self and what is possible?
You’ve come to the right place.
We offer workshops, webinars, one-on-one coaching and a solidly researched and validated assessment tool to support you on your developmental journey as a human being, a coach or a leader.
“We are not what happened to us, we are what we wish to become.”
– Carl Jung

There is a growing body of compelling and fascinating research that elucidates how people develop across their lifespans. Development does not stop when a person reaches their twenties, which is what psychologists used to think. Research at Harvard and other academic institutions that began in the 1970’s has uncovered what are called adult stages of development. That research is now being applied to leadership development to help leaders manage complexity, ambiguity, and transformational change.
We’re learning that in our fast, changing, complex world, leaders who commit to their own development are the ones who will be more capable of leading transformational change. You can imagine how important this can be for communities, organizations, governments, and the world.
In leadership circles, we refer to the movement through these stages as Vertical Development.
There is no set timeline for stage development – everyone moves at a pace dictated by their life experiences, mindset, levels of support, and desire for personal expansion. There is no mandate to “get to” stages beyond where you are, unless it is right for you.
The journey is an unfolding of your identity.
Life circumstances can 'ping' you into places where you don't feel you know enough to go forward. This is often an invite into expanding your identity.


Honoring and understanding what has shaped the journey of your life and what may be waiting for you.

Understand your own evolution and expand your perspectives and your capacity to "see"

Clients who want to continue to know themselves better and influence their world in positive, strategic ways have much to gain from knowing where they are in their life journey.
The MAP Assessment pinpoints your stage learn how now.

If you are …
interested in your own development and fascinated by what may be next for you
interested in expanding your capacity as a coach and/or leader
interested in coaching others using a developmental perspective
sometimes wondering what is next, and feeling uncertain
intuiting a change is coming and you can’t figure out why or what’s up
sensing you outgrowing your life as it is now
wanting to deal more effectively with ambiguity and complexity
just generally a ‘seeker’
… an in-depth understanding of the stages of development can make a meaningful difference for you.